Motivational Quotes
-If she's amazing, she wont l»<‘ easy. If she's easy. she won't lx* amazing. If she’s worth it. \on won't give up. If \on give up. you're nut worthy. ...Tixitli is. everybody is going to hurl you: you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." Boh Marley
-If she's amazing, she wont l»<‘ easy. If she's easy. she won't lx* amazing. If she’s worth it. \on won't give up. If \on give up. you're nut worthy. ...Tixitli is. everybody is going to hurl you: you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." Boh Marley
Trust Quotes "Not everyone who is nice to you is your friend, and not everyone who critiques you is your enemy." - Unknown &quo...