Motivational Quotes
-If she's amazing, she wont l»<‘ easy. If she's easy. she won't lx* amazing. If she’s worth it. \on won't give up. If \on give up. you're nut worthy. ...Tixitli is. everybody is going to hurl you: you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." Boh Marley
-If she's amazing, she wont l»<‘ easy. If she's easy. she won't lx* amazing. If she’s worth it. \on won't give up. If \on give up. you're nut worthy. ...Tixitli is. everybody is going to hurl you: you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." Boh Marley
"The saddest thing about ...
"Silence isn’t the absence ...
"Loneliness isn't just ...