10 SUREFIRE WAYS TO ACHIEVE UNHAPPINESS 1. Complain (Harp on bad things that happen while ignoring the good stuff) 2. Avoid your problems (Sleep; Eat: Work; Play; Procrastinate; Go on a rebound - Anything to avoid the issue) 3. Compare with others (Frustrate yourself with things others have that you don't have... yet) 4. Worry about things that have not happened yet (After all. there’s no end to one’s worries) 5. Let your problems overwhelm you (instead of handling them in a grounded manner) 6. Do things you don’t 7. Stay on in relationships that no longer serve you (Energy vampires, critical people, unconscious people, etc) 8. Try to change others 'Instead of working on yourself) 9. Try to please Others (...andpleasing no one in return) 10. Attach yourself to goals/outcomes/statuses /things/people 'And let your emotions be tied to them)