Prayer | Protection from Heaven

The blessing which came from heaven, From God the Father, when the true living Son was born, Be with me at all times; The blessing which God spoke over the whole human race, Be with me always.

The holy cross of God, as long and as broad As the one upon which God suffered His blessed, bitter tortures, bless me today and forever. The three holy nails which were driven through The holy hands and feet of Jesus Christ Shall bless me today and forever.

The bitter crown of thorns which was forced upon The holy head of Christ, shall bless me today and forever. The spear by which the holy side of Jesus was opened, Shall bless me today and forever.

The rosy blood protect me from all my enemies, And from everything which night be injurious to my body Or soul, or my worldly goods. Bless me, oh ye five holy wounds, in order that all my enemies May be driven away and bound, While God has encompassed all Christendom.

In this shall assist me God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen. Thus must I, [name], be blessed as well and as valid As the cup and the wine, and the true, living bread which Jesus gave his disciples on the evening of Maunday Thursday.

All those that hate you must be silent before me; Their hearts are dead in regard to me; and their tongues are Mute, so that they are not at all able to inflict the least injury Upon me, or my house, or my premises: And likewise, all those who intend attacking and wounding me With their arms and weapons shall be defenseless, Weak and conquered before me.

In this shall assist me the holy power of God, which can make all arms or weapons of no avail. All this in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen.