Prayer for God's Protection from Wrongdoing | Christian Prayer For Right Instruction.

You thieves, I implore you to be obedient like Jesus Christ, Who obeyed his heavenly Father unto the cross, And to stand without moving out of my sight, In the name of the Trinity. I command you by the power of God And the incarnation of Jesus Christ Not to move out of my sight, like Jesus Christ Stood on Jordan's stormy banks to be baptized by John.

And furthermore, I implore you, horse and rider, To stand still and not to move out of my sight, Like Jesus Christ did stand when he was about To be nailed to the cross to release the Fathers of the church from the bonds of hell.

Thieves, I bind you with the same bonds with which Jesus Our Lord has bound hell; and thus ye shall be bound; And the same Words that bind you shall also release you.